1a. over 200 grim men and wemon stod they had there sholders painted red. but Powhatan who was dreased in his finest robs mad of racon
2a Powhaten was the won who orderd the execution, Pocahontas saves john by lying over him so her head covered his head.
3a. food so they dont die of hunger. it helps by keeping the men full so the dont start eating of there mussels and die.
1b. to show how powerful and mighty he is that is why he whore his greatest braveries. Becouse he killed so many of the natives he feels they should think of him as a monster. its a natrol reaction to think of somthing as a monstrer becouse some one kills other people so natroly you would be afrad of it.
2b. Becouse pocahontas has a kind soule and dosent feall like john deserved to die not. It was just a family ritual to show him he is now part of the family and his family would save him.
3b. becouse the pepole where dieing and ther only other pepole weth food where the natives so they nead to fgo get food so they whould not die. in order to get the food they had to have a mmeting weth the nateves in order to get it.
5a. i think that he whated 15 yers later so that the other men from his tribe whould have ether forgot about what had happend or whould have died so there whould be now one there to say what was the trueth and what wasent so he whated to tell it so he could get moor fame and not have there be any one that could have taken it iaway from him.
Nick - go back and edit the grammar in your answers. If you know something is misspelled, look it up. Remember to capitalize all proper nouns.