Wednesday, December 14, 2011

questions 1-12

1.    ?
2.    Huck felt bad after he played the prank on Jim. In this society people are taught from a young age to treat black people as “trash” without respect or that they might have feels just like other people. Huck as a young person has been brought up in this society. Being at a young age and hanging around Jim for so long has made Huck want Jim’s respect and when he hurt Jim he lost his respect.  So, it took a long time for Huck to build up the nerve to apoligize to Jim. It was because of what society had taught him about how to treat black people.

3.    A.) Huck feels he has stolen widow Douglas’ valuable property when he helped Jim escape.   B.) The irony is that the children where born as Jim’s but he has to either steal them back or pay for them. In our society children belong to their parents until the age of 18. In the story Jim’s children where sold into slavery as someone else property.  C.) Huck has been thinking about turning Jim in but he is having second thoughts. Society says that Jim is someone elses property but Huck is fighting the belief that Jim should be free to live as an equal. So, Huck is struggling with the decision of what to do.  D.)  Jim’s superstition about Huck touching a rattlesnake is why they are still having bad luck.

4.    The bounty hunters give Huck money because they think Huck’s father has smallpox. The irony is that Huck is a very rich boy.  These men give him money to help but they should be checking/helping Huck’s father instead of allowing a young boy to take care of his sick father.


6.    Mark Twain put the book aside for several years because he didn’t like where the story was headed at the time.  He stopped the book to look for a new way to continue Huck’s character. He went to New Orleans and traveled the waterways. Where the book was very dark before, it became even darker after he experienced the life in the real south.
7.    The Granger’s house is filled with paintings of the civil war and art that expresses dark themes. The family is rich and live by their own law.
8.    Huck’s persona name is George Jackson and he doesn’t know how to correctly spell the name. He cons Buck into spelling it for him but Buck doesn’t know how to spell it either. So when Buck spells it wrong he doesn’t realize it.
9.    Huck doesn’t believe in dead people. Huck doesn’t understand jokes or riddles. So, when Buck tells the Moses story, it irritates Huck because Buck tells Huck the answer to his question. This makes Huck irritated.
10.     The hogs think the church is cool and they go there to sleep under the floor. People go there because they are forced to go their every Sunday.
11.    The fued symbolizes
12.    The life on the raft is without rules or consequences. Life on land is with rules and consequences. On the raft Jim is free and Huck is the boss of himself.  On land Jim is treated as a slave and Huck is to young to do as he pleases without permission.

Huck he thought that he was okay weth taken jim but then jim starts talking about how he is going to steall his kids huck  starts fealing bad

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Episode 3 chapter 8-11

    Episode 3 chapter 8-11
This episode starts on chapter 8 when Huck is sad and thinking of his family.  Then he remembers about how they put quick silver in bread and send it down river to find the dead body, so he goes and fishes for bread to eat.   Then Huck meets up with Jim, who ran away, and they stay together from then on. Together they go to the house of death, and find a dead person, clothes, candles, and other necessities.  Next, when they move to the cave Huck puts a dead rattlesnake into Jim’s sleeping bag as a prank, but when a rattlesnake dies its partner curls up next to it, so Jim ends up getting bitten by the snake. Because Huck stole Pa’s whiskey, Jim is able to drink the whiskey to heal the wound.   Then Huck dresses up as a girl and sails down to town to get information on what is happening in the town since he left. He finds out there is a bounty out for Jim and Pa.  Pa has left and taken some of his money.  Then Huck gets caught and has to change his disguise because he is not a believable girl.  Huck also finds out that the lady sent her husband to Jackson’s Island to hunt for Jim.  

Characters – Huck, Jim, the Old Lady, the Old Lady’s husband, Pap, Judge Thatcher, Bessie Thatcher, Joe Harper, Tom Sawyer, Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary, Ship’s Captain

 This Episode is important because it shows how Jim and Huck work together. 

Superstition is a theme in this episode because of bad luck.  For example when Huck picks up the dead rattlesnake it brings forth bad luck.  Like when Jim gets bitten by a rattlesnake, and the old lady sends her husband to the island to hunt for Jim.

A symbol would be snakes which represent bad luck/Satan/evil and Jim.

Friday, December 2, 2011

chapter 5-8 questions

1. Pap doesn’t want Huck to become smarter the him because if Huck is smarter then pap then he would make his father look bad in the town. This is ironic because most parents want their kids to pass or exceed them in learning but pa wont have any of that

2. The society wants Huck to stay with his pa but in reality he should be staying with Widow Douglas.   It is good that society wants families to stay together, but the fact that pa is a drunk and beats Huck means that Huck should be taken away.

3. Huck wants to stay with his dad because he feels more at home.  He goes out hunting and fishing where at the Widow Douglas’ house he would have to go to school.   Huck likes not to have to do anything and to be lazy.  The theme of this section would be the quest for freedom. 

4. This is ironic because pa did not do any of the things that he is cussing and making a big fuss about.  In fact Huck learned everything from the Widow Douglas and Judge Thatcher.  Pa doesn’t try to change society he is just a drunk, where the black person is actually trying to get somewhere in life.

5.  Death and Rebirth because Huck fakes his death and he is reborn in the fact that he is living by himself in the wild with no civilization to tell him what to do. 

6.  It’s ironic that Huck wants Tom there because usually when Tom is there things are blown out of proportion.  If Tom had been there it would have been so over the top that people would have uncovered that Huck faked his death. Therefore the plan would not have worked. 

7.  It is ironic that Huck finds bread, because when they put quicksilver in the bread it is supposed to find a dead body and Huck is supposed to be dead.  Huck thinks that praying works, but only for the right type of people like the Widow or the minister.

8.   Jim’s reaction is that he thinks Huck is ghost, which plays into the theme of superstition because ghosts are a part of superstition and Jim is really superstitious. 


10.  This quote is significant because it shows Huck growing into someone who doesn’t agree with how civilization treats slaves and so he disobeys society by not telling where Jim is. 


12.  Huck puts a dead rattlesnake on Jim’s sleeping bag to scare him.  Yes it is typical of Huck’s character, because he always plays pranks.  He learned that Jim was right that touching rattlesnakes’ bodies when they are dead brings bad luck. 

13.  He plays a very bad role as woman. 

14.  Huck doesn’t care that she gets the story wrong, and doesn’t tell her that he and Tom found the money. 

15.   The fact that Jim’s reward is higher than Pa’s which is racist because they don’t have any evidence involving Jim.  Also Pa has motive to kill Huck because of the money and Jim doesn’t have a motive what so ever.